6. Support du noyau

6.1. Structures de données

6.1.1. Structure struct kern_devconf

Cette structure contient quelques informations sur l'état du périphérique et de son pilote. Elle est définie dans /usr/src/sys/sys/devconf.h comme ci-dessous :

struct devconf {
        char dc_name[MAXDEVNAME];       /* name */
        char dc_descr[MAXDEVDESCR];     /* description */
        int dc_unit;                    /* unit number */
        int dc_number;                  /* unique id */
        char dc_pname[MAXDEVNAME];      /* name of the parent device */
        int dc_punit;                   /* unit number of the parent */
        int dc_pnumber;                 /* unique id of the parent */
        struct machdep_devconf dc_md;   /* machine-dependent stuff */
        enum dc_state dc_state;         /* state of the device (see above) */
        enum dc_class dc_class;         /* type of device (see above) */
        size_t dc_datalen;              /* length of data */
        char dc_data[1];                /* variable-length data */

6.1.2. Structure struct proc

Cette structure contient toutes les informations sur un processus. Elle est dans définie /usr/src/sys/sys/proc.h:

 * Description of a process.
 * This structure contains the information needed to manage a thread of
 * control, known in UN*X as a process; it has references to
 * containing descriptions of things that the process uses, but may
 * with related processes.  The process structure and the substructures
 * are always addressable except for those marked "(PROC ONLY)" below,
 * which might be addressable only on a processor on which the process
 * is running.
struct  proc {
        struct  proc *p_forw;           /* Doubly-linked run/sleep queue. */
        struct  proc *p_back;
        struct  proc *p_next;           /* Linked list of active procs */
        struct  proc **p_prev;          /*    and zombies. */

        /* substructures: */
        struct  pcred *p_cred;          /* Process owner's identity. */
        struct  filedesc *p_fd;         /* Ptr to open files structure.  */
        struct  pstats *p_stats;        /* Accounting/statistics (PROC ONLY). */
        struct  plimit *p_limit;        /* Process limits. */
        struct  vmspace *p_vmspace;     /* Address space. */
        struct  sigacts *p_sigacts;     /* Signal actions, state (PROC ONLY). */

#define p_ucred         p_cred->pc_ucred
#define p_rlimit        p_limit->pl_rlimit

        int     p_flag;                 /* P_* flags. */
        char    p_stat;                 /* S* process status. */
        char    p_pad1[3];

        pid_t   p_pid;                  /* Process identifier. */
        struct  proc *p_hash;    /* Hashed based on p_pid for kill+exit+... */
        struct  proc *p_pgrpnxt; /* Pointer to next process in process group. */
        struct  proc *p_pptr;    /* Pointer to process structure of parent. */
        struct  proc *p_osptr;   /* Pointer to older sibling processes.  */

/* The following fields are all zeroed upon creation in fork. */
#define p_startzero     p_ysptr
        struct  proc *p_ysptr;   /* Pointer to younger siblings. */
        struct  proc *p_cptr;    /* Pointer to youngest living child. */
        pid_t   p_oppid;         /* Save parent pid during ptrace. XXX */
        int     p_dupfd;         /* Sideways return value from fdopen.  XXX */

        /* scheduling */
        u_int   p_estcpu;        /* Time averaged value of p_cpticks. */
        int     p_cpticks;       /* Ticks of cpu time. */
        fixpt_t p_pctcpu;        /* %cpu for this process during p_swtime */
        void    *p_wchan;        /* Sleep address. */
        char    *p_wmesg;        /* Reason for sleep. */
        u_int   p_swtime;        /* Time swapped in or out. */
        u_int   p_slptime;       /* Time since last blocked. */

        struct  itimerval p_realtimer;  /* Alarm timer. */
        struct  timeval p_rtime;        /* Real time. */
        u_quad_t p_uticks;              /* Statclock hits in user mode.  */
        u_quad_t p_sticks;              /* Statclock hits in system mode. */
        u_quad_t p_iticks;              /* Statclock hits processing intr. */

        int     p_traceflag;            /* Kernel trace points. */
        struct  vnode *p_tracep;        /* Trace to vnode. */

        int     p_siglist;              /* Signals arrived but not delivered. */

        struct  vnode *p_textvp;        /* Vnode of executable. */

        char    p_lock;                 /* Process lock (prevent swap) count. */
        char    p_pad2[3];              /* alignment */

/* End area that is zeroed on creation. */
#define p_endzero       p_startcopy

/* The following fields are all copied upon creation in fork. */
#define p_startcopy     p_sigmask

        sigset_t p_sigmask;     /* Current signal mask. */
        sigset_t p_sigignore;   /* Signals being ignored. */
        sigset_t p_sigcatch;    /* Signals being caught by user. */

        u_char  p_priority;     /* Process priority. */
        u_char  p_usrpri;       /* User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */
        char    p_nice;         /* Process "nice" value. */
        char    p_comm[MAXCOMLEN+1];

        struct  pgrp *p_pgrp;   /* Pointer to process group. */

        struct  sysentvec *p_sysent; /* System call dispatch information. */

        struct  rtprio p_rtprio;        /* Realtime priority. */
/* End area that is copied on creation. */
#define p_endcopy       p_addr
        struct  user *p_addr;   /* Kernel virtual addr of u-area (PROC ONLY). */
        struct  mdproc p_md;    /* Any machine-dependent fields. */

        u_short p_xstat;        /* Exit status for wait; also stop signal. */
        u_short p_acflag;       /* Accounting flags. */
        struct  rusage *p_ru;   /* Exit information. XXX */

6.1.3. Structure struct buf

La structure struct buf est employée pour s'interfacer avec le cache de la mémoire tampon. Elle est dans définie /usr/src/sys/sys/buf.h :

 * The buffer header describes an I/O operation in the kernel.
struct buf {
        LIST_ENTRY(buf) b_hash;         /* Hash chain. */
        LIST_ENTRY(buf) b_vnbufs;       /* Buffer's associated vnode. */
        TAILQ_ENTRY(buf) b_freelist;    /* Free list position if not active. */
        struct  buf *b_actf, **b_actb;  /* Device driver queue when active. */
        struct  proc *b_proc;           /* Associated proc; NULL if kernel. */
        volatile long   b_flags;        /* B_* flags. */
        int     b_qindex;               /* buffer queue index */
        int     b_error;                /* Errno value. */
        long    b_bufsize;              /* Allocated buffer size. */
        long    b_bcount;               /* Valid bytes in buffer. */
        long    b_resid;                /* Remaining I/O. */
        dev_t   b_dev;                  /* Device associated with buffer. */
        struct {
                caddr_t b_addr;         /* Memory, superblocks, indirect etc. */
        } b_un;
        void    *b_saveaddr;            /* Original b_addr for physio.  */
        daddr_t b_lblkno;               /* Logical block number. */
        daddr_t b_blkno;                /* Underlying physical block number. */
                                        /* Function to call upon completion. */
        void    (*b_iodone) __P((struct buf *));
                                        /* For nested b_iodone's. */
        struct  iodone_chain *b_iodone_chain;
        struct  vnode *b_vp;            /* Device vnode. */
        int     b_pfcent;               /* Center page when swapping cluster. */
        int     b_dirtyoff;             /* Offset in buffer of dirty region. */
        int     b_dirtyend;             /* Offset of end of dirty region. */
        struct  ucred *b_rcred;         /* Read credentials reference.  */
        struct  ucred *b_wcred;         /* Write credentials reference.  */
        int     b_validoff;             /* Offset in buffer of valid region. */
        int     b_validend;             /* Offset of end of valid region. */
        daddr_t b_pblkno;               /* physical block number */
        caddr_t b_savekva;              /* saved kva for transfer while bouncing */
        void    *b_driver1;             /* for private use by the driver */
        void    *b_driver2;             /* for private use by the driver */
        void    *b_spc;
        struct  vm_page *b_pages[(MAXPHYS + PAGE_SIZE - 1)/PAGE_SIZE];
        int             b_npages;

6.1.4. Structure struct uio

Cette structure est utilisée pour déplacer des données entre le noyau et les espaces utilisateur par les appels système de read() et de write(). Il est dans défini /usr/src/sys/sys/uio.h :

struct uio {
        struct  iovec *uio_iov;
        int     uio_iovcnt;
        off_t   uio_offset;
        int     uio_resid;
        enum    uio_seg uio_segflg;
        enum    uio_rw uio_rw;
        struct  proc *uio_procp;

6.2. Fonctions


6.3. Références.

FreeBSD Kernel Sources http://www.freebsd.org

NetBSD Kernel Sources http://www.netbsd.org

Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial and Reference; Tim Burke, Mark A. Parenti, Al, Wojtas; Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-141-2.

Writing A Unix Device Driver; Janet I. Egan, Thomas J. Teixeira; John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-62859-X.

Writing Device Drivers for SCO Unix; Peter Kettle;

Ce document, ainsi que d'autres peut être téléchargé sur ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/.

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