FreeBSD Developers' Handbook

FreeBSD 文件計畫

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I. 基本概念
1. 簡介
1.1. 在 FreeBSD 開發程式
1.2. The BSD Vision
1.3. 程式架構指南
1.4. /usr/src 的架構
2. 程式開發工具
2.1. 概敘
2.2. 簡介
2.3. Programming 概念
2.4. cc 來編譯程式
2.5. Make
2.6. Debugging
2.7. Using Emacs as a Development Environment
2.8. Further Reading
3. Secure Programming
3.1. Synopsis
3.2. Secure Design Methodology
3.3. Buffer Overflows
3.4. SetUID issues
3.5. Limiting your program's environment
3.6. Trust
3.7. Race Conditions
4. Localization and Internationalization - L10N and I18N
4.1. Programming I18N Compliant Applications
5. Source Tree Guidelines and Policies
5.1. MAINTAINER on Makefiles
5.2. Contributed Software
5.3. Encumbered Files
5.4. Shared Libraries
6. Regression and Performance Testing
6.1. Micro Benchmark Checklist
II. Interprocess Communication(IPC)
7. Sockets
7.1. Synopsis
7.2. Networking and Diversity
7.3. Protocols
7.4. The Sockets Model
7.5. Essential Socket Functions
7.6. Helper Functions
7.7. Concurrent Servers
8. IPv6 Internals
8.1. IPv6/IPsec Implementation
III. Kernel(核心)
9. Kernel Debugging
9.1. Obtaining a Kernel Crash Dump
9.2. Debugging a Kernel Crash Dump with kgdb
9.3. Debugging a Crash Dump with DDD
9.4. Post-Mortem Analysis of a Dump
9.5. On-Line Kernel Debugging Using DDB
9.6. On-Line Kernel Debugging Using Remote GDB
9.7. Debugging Loadable Modules Using GDB
9.8. Debugging a Console Driver
9.9. Debugging the Deadlocks
IV. Architectures(電腦架構)
10. x86 Assembly Language Programming
10.1. Synopsis
10.2. The Tools
10.3. System Calls
10.4. Return Values
10.5. Creating Portable Code
10.6. Our First Program
10.7. Writing UNIX® Filters
10.8. Buffered Input and Output
10.9. Command Line Arguments
10.10. UNIX® Environment
10.11. Working with Files
10.12. One-Pointed Mind
10.13. Using the FPU
10.14. Caveats
10.15. Acknowledgements
V. 附錄
2-1. A sample .emacs file


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